
Monday, March 15, 2010

Translation questions

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Based on an idea by Pippa Sandford. Pippa is a French & Italian to English medical translator with more than 25 years of experience in translation.
Thanks Pippa!


  1. Thank you, thank you for bringing some humor to translation! I have especially enjoyed your strips with the direct client (I think his name is Bill), they are classic!!

  2. Right on! Nice to have a colleage who can cheer up our days... Keep on the good work :)

  3. Thank you for the cartoons, I love them. You should write something about clients who come back with "suggestions". I had one client who actually came back with an email that started:
    "We've had a group discussion in the office and we think the translation should actually be..."

    It was a ministry, I was tempted to write back saying: "Thank you, I also have some suggestions about your policies on"

  4. Thank you very much, Anonymous translator and Laura!

    Gorka, that's an excellent idea, I'm more than tempted to use it.

  5. This one might be our favorite thus far; thank you! Also love Gorka's anecdote about the "translation group discussion," which would be analogous to us discussing a company's subject matter which we don't know anything about.

  6. ¡“The cheapest quotation marks”! jajajajajaja


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