
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Translation Discounts

Click image to enlarge


  1. Hi Alejandro,
    As a good translator and reviewer :-) I would like to point out that there is a little typo in the first picture: Please change "exceptionnal" into "exceptional".
    Have a nice day!

  2. Bad weather discount? Brilliant! :))

    Catherine xx

  3. And what about the bad attitude discount?

  4. I should give a bad attitude discount... Specially when the client is asking for one...

  5. We love it! This might be your best one, even though we love all of them. Next thing you know, there will be the Monday afternoon discount, the I-need-to-pay-the-rent discount, etc.

  6. Hilarious! Should you ever decide to have your cartoons published as a hard-cover, I'll be the first to buy one! (Perhaps I should ask for a yes I'm a dinosaur discount.)

  7. Brilliant! Specially the bad weather discount... 8>)

    BTW, if you take up the suggestion about publishing the cartoons (you can try self-publishing, for example at Bubok or Lulu), please make sure to post it, so that I can get a copy...

  8. Thanks everybody for your comments! Very often, your comments are funnier than the cartoon, I'm not sure if that's good or bad for me :)

    (Self)publishing in paper is definitely among my plans for 2010. I'll keep you informed.

  9. It's funny because it's true!


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