
Friday, January 7, 2011

Dear friends and family

Click image to enlarge

Based on an idea by Elizabeth Monteiro, a bilingual and bicultural English-Spanish translator and interpreter based in Madrid, Spain.


  1. Drawing a little is actually good when golfing too!

  2. May I send this one to my own family and friends?

    awesome :=)

  3. This is great. Although my mother now always asks if I've got an upcoming deadline / how busy I am whenever she calls during work hours :)

  4. Man, that's what i've always wanted to have on the workroom door!

    Contragts & Thanks!

  5. It should actually say "Dear Friends, family and neighbours - and to whomsoever it may concern -". I don't know about you fellow freelancers, but even my neighbours think I am unemployed. It's simply hilarious. When I see people all dressed up early morning, especially on a chilly winter morning, I feel privileged to be a freelancer.

  6. Oh, God; it's sooooooooooooooo true.

  7. Excellent point! Judy is often the go-to person for mid-day airport rides, although most friends and family do understand that we are full-time entrepreneurs and very, very busy. Actually, we work a lot more than we did when we were employed in-house. :)

  8. This is great...

    I also get roped in for mid-day airport rides and the like... I'm learning to say no, though! :)

  9. This is very true! It is hard to make people understand that I am not just relaxing at home and even when I am not translating, I am working! It is good to know that I am not alone in this sentiment.

  10. Your cartoons are hilarious - because they're so true! (I work in translation, obviously.) The strangest part - I have a pet turtle...named Mina! You must be clairvoyant.

  11. Great cartoon!

    Recently we talked about the topic in my curso de traducción.

  12. This is hilarious!
    I love the light sarcasm and simple, brilliant humor of it =]
    It really is frustrating when others think we're not as busy just because we work from home!

  13. Yes you are all waiting for my next assignment....bwahahaha!



  14. I need a huge print of this, like a canvas or something to hang on my door, so that family, friends and flatmates stop knocking on the door with the usual: What are you doing?
    Can we have this in voicemail for the annoying phone calls of friends that assume that if they are bored they call you?

  15. @All: Thanks for your comments! I sent this idea because I was sooooo frustrated!!! It seems that most of us have gone through the same thing over and over!

    @Sehdev: Ditto!! My neighbors have asked me for all sorts of favors... To walk their dogs, fetch the kids from school, receive packages, watch over their sick kids... The list is endless!! :)

    Ellie Monteiro

  16. @Mox - saw that link and thought of this post. Inspiration food, perhaps? Would love to see the clothing/hygiene/overworked stereotypes depicted!

    Love your blog!

  17. Thanks a lot, Rose. Very good material for future strips.

  18. Great! I just showed this to my husband...

  19. Great! I will definitely print this out and put it on my door :) last thing I was asked is to wake up my neighbor's boyfriend because his alarm was broken! :D

  20. Hey, I know Ellie! She used to be my own "Pam the PM". heh heh... OK, no, she was no Pam: she was a good PM. :-)


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