
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Best PDF converter

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  1. Daniel, an evil PMApril 5, 2011 at 10:18 AM

    Oh my gosh, I must use the 100/100 technique next time with my clients. Does Calvo offer negotiation seminars? Will he ever write a book?

  2. I agree, i would go to those seminars. Great strip!

  3. Great!
    Greetings from Sicily

  4. I indicate that I charge a premium for documents in pdf form; sometimes the client says that my rate is then too high, and I am relieved as formatting documents post OCR is no fun. Most other times the client accepts the premium, so I would recommend this practice to all translators.

  5. Sadly it doesn’t work when the client (Company A) didn’t *create* the PDF but was sent it from some other company or government organization (B).

    Lastimadamente, no funciona si el cliente no fue quien creó el pdf, sino quien lo recibió.

  6. ¿Lastimadamente?

  7. Great! It should works like a charm.

  8. Really great.
    I'll try it with my clients.

  9. An alternative I've experienced was "Wait, I'll have my intern transcribe those 20 pages."

  10. Wait! We'll do all the tables for you!

  11. Oh, hilarious, we love it! We have used this technique successfully, and it is truly astonishing how quickly the Word documents start appearing. Mil gracias por esta nueva caricatura de Mox. We are rolling on the floor, laughing, as usual. Best from Santiago!

  12. I'm just watching and learning—

    and laughing (((:

    By the way, Calvo has a nice stand for feet. That must be comfortable.

  13. Funny because it's true. :D

  14. I use iOrgsoft PDF Converter which is a simple and powerful tool that converts multiple PDFs to images, Word, TXT and EPUB ebooks.

  15. I use the 5/5 method, but I think I'm going to change to the 100/100 tool, as suggested by Calvo. Always funny, Alejandro!

  16. PC oversaettelse said:

    I have had different experiences, like:
    'Oh, here's the word doc after all'
    'Okay, we'll pay your steep surcharge then'
    as well as
    'I'll have my wife transcribe it for you in no time, because your surcharge seems really too steep for this small task' - after which the client comes back around 3 hours later without mentioning the hefty delay in as much as one word. This client has never since questionned my surcharge ;o)

  17. Do you have any sense how to extract tables from PDFs? Many medical papers contain clinical data. It would be great to be able to extract these tables into some structured form.

  18. I get this all the time. Some agencies will transcribe PDF, but others just expect me to soldier on, so no CAT tools for those jobs.

  19. Ohhh...!!! its great :)

    I am using Classic PDF Editor that can create, view and edit any PDF file. It also converts Doc to PDF, XLS to PDF, PPT to PDF and PDF to Doc & image files.

    Highly recommended Best PDF converter that is available on

  20. This is simply brilliant. I couldn't help laughing. By the way, it works because he is an experienced translator who's got the upper hand on the customer. It is not always so if you are new comers.

  21. The best ever translator comic and the productivity tool with the best price/performance ratio ever.

  22. jaja "lastimadamente"? is that a real word?

  23. Brilliant solution!!!!
    About "lastimadamente", I don't think so... At least not in Mexico.


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