
Monday, November 7, 2011

Tips for when you're in a hurry

Click image to enlarge


  1. All three mistakes sound too familiar :)

    Why they don't teach this in college? There should be a mandatory "Translation tips by Mox" subject on all translation degrees.

  2. I agree with Leoni, Mox is the best translation professor ever.

  3. I love the pile of coffee mugs getting larger and larger....Just life.

  4. I think that depending on the type and the complexity of the document, only Mistake 3 is really a mistake under any conditions.

    Why should I read 10 thousand words of a long and highly repetitive patent first, before I start translating?

    Makes no sense to me.

  5. Every time is like this. The only thing is that I don't drink too much coffee.

  6. I don't understand at all. Why read a document at all when you translate it? That's not very creative. Use your imagination and surprise the customer with bold, new content!

  7. Great Job! I think that this is one very nice way of showing things as they are . All three mistakes sound very familiar.


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