
Friday, December 9, 2011

How to be a good proofreader

Click image to enlarge


  1. My last proofreader is just like the Calvo guy, but she's even more offensive!

  2. LOL, Calvo is exactly like ALL proofreaders I've dealt with.

  3. Man, this is SO true! ^_^

  4. I editmany academic articles through an agency. I send my edited version to the agency and they send it to the customer. Occasionally I get one of the edited articles in a second round (the customer may have commented something, or added something, or require clarification). This means that I see what the agency delivered to the customer, and it's not seldom that they have toned down my comments.

    Not that I'm abrasive as Calvo, but the agency does things like adding "I suggest that..." and "Have you considered...".

  5. I know... I'm starting to think that proofreaders are required to take a course on how to be rude.

  6. Dear Mox,

    I'm very glad to see that you've replace one mug by a flower, that's very good for your health and mood (and thus, for your business!)

  7. I have done only very few proofreadings (it is not worth the money), but the only times that I have been rude (to the agency, that is) was when they asked me to "proofread" a machine translation...

  8. hilarious! as an active proofreader, I can't avoid constantly having Calvo's messages in my head :)
    Did you see that Mox's book is on the Calco's top ten Xmas presents for translators? ;)

  9. My favorite comment is "Clumsy"... or "Clumsy!".
    Am I a good proofer?


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