
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Can there be anyone crazier than a translator?

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  1. Can anything be crazier than the Bible? Or is there another joke I'm not getting here?

    1. apparently your ignorance. seems like the only joke i'm gettin.

    2. Annonymous means: "I'm a bibleholic, I know the truth of the universe. Get on your knees and pray! The end of the world is near because of non-believers."


  2. Didn't St. Jerome translate the bible into Latin?? I'm assuming the crazy guy translated it into English, so Mox's comment is not quite accurate, right?

  3. I found it funny on multiple levels. But subtle humor is hard to analyze. This is not about craziness, accuracy or the Bible. It's just that we translators see life through different glasses ...

  4. Actually we all know that St. Jerome didn’t do a perfect job, since he did not actually translate the whole thing. The point is being perfect or not, isn’t it? :-)

  5. The joke lies in that Mox's wife thinks the guy at the door is crazy because of the wig-salvation thing (i.e., normal people's take); whereas Mox thinks he is crazy because he wasted time translating the Bible from Hebrew (i.e., us-crazy-translators' take). IMHO.

  6. St. Jerome is the guy that translated the Hebrew "almah" meaning "young woman" as "virgin", thereby creating the myth of the virgin birth.
    I would not call this translation perfect by any standard.

  7. Mox, great post, as usual!

    Anonymous, you are free to choose your faith, but please inform yourself before writing. It was St. Matthew, several centuries before the birth of St. Jerome, who first translated "almah" as "virgin".
    Also, St. Jerome couldn't create in any case the "myth of the virgin birth" because there are dozens of evidences that proof that most christians already believed in the virgin birth since the very beginning of christianity.

  8. @M.S. It's prove not proof...

    1. It isn't proven as far as I'm concerned... I haven't heard of any proof that proves a virgin birth of anyone so far.

    2. @jpm, I am not sure what you are talking about. We were not discussing the virgin birth of anyone, but about early christians's beliefs.
      @anonymous, thanks for the correction

    3. Guess jpm just wanted to show how to use prove and proof! ;-)


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