
Friday, April 13, 2012

Gala uniform for translators

Click image to enlarge

Based on an idea by Ellie Monteiro, an English<>Spanish translator and interpreter based in Madrid. Ellie has her own professional logo. I like it because it conveys the message that translation is a combination of artistic and technical skills.


  1. That's not Mox, that's me!

  2. Yes! Sounds familiar!!

  3. When I need new working clothes, I go to the nearest sportswear store to buy yet another pair of sweatpants. Why wear uncomfortable clothes when you don't have to? :D

  4. Mox and Blair Waldorf together. This is now officially my favorite blog :)

  5. A colleague in Germany recently suggested wellington boots as ideal wear for translators and this fashion concept caught on big time at a translator's meeting in Frankfurt. I'm not sure why wellingtons, but imagine it's to do with the amount of c**p we have to purposefully wade through.

  6. haha! I really like this blog!

  7. Oh dear, glad I am not alone. The other day I started sorting out my wardrobe and struck with horror found out I am a proud owner of dozen pairs of sweatpants, quite a few pajamas, several battered t-shirts and jeans and that's it. Where is the glam of profession everybody was talking about at the uni ?!?

  8. I have 15 boxers, 4 t-shirts and 2 pairs of pants. I guess I should but some clothes, huh?

    1. Really, there are some huhs? in my clothes list.

  9. Who needs more than four t-shirts and a couple of trousers when you are stuck to the computer all day long? Great, Mox.


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