
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How to survive a meeting

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  1. *uncomfortable

    And I've been through this situation... one of the hardest moments in my life. Not even sushi made it comfortable.

  2. Thanks Anonymous, I corrected it.
    My deepest condolences, I hope you recovered from the bad experience.

    1. Thank you. I've decided to tell my clients that I weigh 800 pounds and thus cannot leave my cage, but that they are welcome to visit me and watch me eat 9 pizzas and a koala bear (my regular lunch.)

      Problem solved.

      The downside is that I lost all my customers. Now I'm a dedicated koala bear hunter.

    2. You always make me laugh. Thanks Alejandro!

  3. Ha ha, super! Wie wär's mit einer Umfrage / Serie zum Thema "Gehen Freelance-Übersetzer häufiger zum Psychiater als andere Menschen?" ;-)

  4. "Do put some pants on", ahahahah. That's the best piece of advice I have ever read.

  5. I love the "ridiculous situation, like making a spelling mistake." Though I would worry that if I did that, I might lose all respect for the other people and decide I couldn't possibly work for them and end the meeting early... Maybe I should take a shower and put on some pants.

  6. What a great post!

    I think we are all loners and most of us do think this way before we go out to meat someone: FACE TO FACE???

  7. Great post, as usual!
    Been there way too many times... Poor Mox.


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