
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Do translators have their own language?

cartoon translators own language
Click image to enlarge


  1. Haha, as both a translator and an economist I must say I am intrigued by his idea. :)

    Excellent comic as usual!

  2. So to increase your rates you have to make everything else cost less? O.o

  3. Oh, we love it! Then we can finally start talking about rates here in the US without getting in trouble with the Federal Trade Commission. :) Of course, talking about rates has always been ok -- what's not permissible is price fixing -- but we are still pretty scared of the FTC (as a profession).

    How many translatio per word for Quechua into Zulu, medical-legal? :) Thanks for another great cartoon!

  4. That conversation is really good for everybody who is looking for translators :)


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