
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What would you bring to a desert island?

cartoon project manager in a desert island
Click image to enlarge

Thank you to monkey nr. 1 for proofreading it.


  1. A movie with subtitles.

    Wilson would deflate listening to my complaints.

  2. The entire Harry Potter series in my source and target languages, so I can comb through them word by word and ponder, compare and contrast the translators' decisions across multiple languages... sounds awesome, where do I sign up??

    1. OMG!!! I would bring the same thing!! Oh, Harry...!

  3. What's the meaning of PM here?

    1. Some would say that it stands for Project Manager, but I believe that it really means Pretty Mean or Pompous Moron.

    2. Prime Minister. :p

  4. I love how the PMs are always the bad guys here, when in real life it's actually the translators who have created a secret alliance to make our lives miserable by ignoring instructions and deadlines.

    I assume it's part of the global plot to get rid of all the project managers in the world and live among chaos and anarchy... ;-)

    Oh, and I'd bring earplugs to the deserted island to avoid having to listen to the monkeys praising / critizising each other all day long.


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