
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Going the extra mile

cartoon absurd requests clients
Click image to enlarge

Based on an idea by Saul Philpott. Saul is an in-house translator at KPMG based in Madrid.


  1. So true and a great idea by Saul (aka Solete de Bath).

    I did actually experience a similar situation a few months ago.

  2. I especially love it when a job ABSOLUTELY has to be delivered by Friday EOB, no extention possible, super duper urgent ... and then you get a read confirmation Monday noon.

    1. There is actually a Mox cartoon that works exactly on that issue. Urgent job for Monday, and the PM writes him on Wednesday that she can't open the file.

  3. Fabulous! Anonymous' comment above reminds us of the urgent job that you turn in to the client, only to receive an out-of-office message that the client is on a long vacation. At least the project is off our desks!

  4. So true for those urgent jobs - especially those where you asked if they really needed them by Friday at 6.00 knowing that you would do such a better job with the week-end, for no extra charge, and then you only get the receipt confirmation on Monday mornings.

  5. Or the 10K job you must translate in 2 days because it is going to be used on a presentation, and you receive the client's reviewer comments 2 months later. And they want the updated translation back asap...

  6. Yes, that' so true. I wonder whether these clients have got a different kind of measuring the time...

  7. I always answer in those cases: I know that a time machine belong nowadays to the standard equipement of a translator and that I may appear a bit old-fashioned, but I haven't afford this investment yet.

  8. Or when you quote xx $/word for a rush allnighter job, and they come back and ask "when can you deliver for x $/word?" or "I obtained an extension. Can you do it now for x $?" Wherever did the rush go to?


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