
Friday, February 8, 2013

Most embarrassing translation

Based on a true story. I am aware that most of you probably knew this story, but I cannot help but chuckle whenever I think about it.

Click image to enlarge


  1. Years ago, when I worked at a Swedish translation agency, I got a phone call from an Italian agency we worked with. The Italian woman said, "I think there is something here that does not belong. It says: Rubriken olaslig, faxsidan avklippt." With very good pronunciation, considering she didn't speak Swedish. What she'd read was: "Illegible heading; fax page cut off". I learned after that little incident to always skim through translations we got in before sending them on to the client.

  2. Oh my. Based on a true story, it is? I honestly do not know if I should laugh or cry!

  3. Please go here:

    1. Thank you, but Mox provided that same link below the cartoon...

  4. haha, this blog really made my day! I'm so

  5. Mox, you have a good sense of humour, and you know how to present/draw it. Great!

  6. What many fail to realise, is that in this case the translator was equally, if not more, stupid and incompetent than the client.

    As a translator you are expected to be aware of your target audience and its linguistic capabilities and limitations. This not only applies to paid-per-word work, but also to simple things. Like communicating with your clients. Like the language in which you write your Out-of-Office note.

    In short, client can be forgiven (hey, if he could understand Welsh he wouldn't have needed the translation in the first place) - the translator should consider a different line of business...

    1. It is true that the translator was certainly incompetent, but we don't know if he/she was stupid. It is important to note that the translator was working in-house. Maybe he/she just didn't care about the recipient not understanding the reply, or even it was on purpose.

    2. "Maybe he/she just didn't care about the recipient not understanding the reply"

      That is the worst sin a translator can commit...

    3. Wow! calm down... It sure was a terrible mistake, but really, I don't know why this guy is telling him to consider a different line of business... I suppose he's a "perfect translator" who has never made a single mistake!

  7. Hmm, it is almost too funny to be true....

  8. There's definately a great deal to know about this subject. I really like all the points you have made.

  9. A good one for a big laugh and thanks.

  10. I do agree with the comments stated by anonymous "As a translator you are expected to be aware of your target audience and its linguistic capabilities and limitations."
    If some one is asking for Translation services by the translators then Client should have to discuss about the Events and documents which is going to be Translated. Otherwise there may be some conflicts about the statement or sentence

  11. Great post, as usual!
    Congrats on the baby girl! I wish all the best to your family!

    Maria Clara


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